Nottingham Absolute Tristar and Youth Triathlon

Saturday, 26th September, 2015


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The Absolute Tristar & Youth Triathlon will be the first triathlon event held at the newly renovated Harvey Hadden Sports Village. The HH Sports Village has a brand new 50m, 8 lane pool (split into 2, 25m pools - This will allow 16 athletes will race at the same time). The HH Sports Village also has a purpose built tarmac cycle race track so that entrants will be able to race competitively against each other. The run is flat and will tale place around the inside of the race track.

Triathlon 13:00
Tristar 1
Triathlon 13:30
Tristar 2
Triathlon 13:45
Tristar 3
Triathlon 15:00
Triathlon 16:00